Friday, November 14, 2008

Friday, 14 November 2008.

1 week done, 3 more to go
4 subjects down, 6 more to go.

This will be my review on the first week of SPM Examination 2008.

Day 1
We had Bm paper 1 and 2 and Sejarah Paper 1. Well, Bm was alright but i have to say that this was the worst paper 1 i have ever done in any Nm paper..let it be form 4 mid year or trial exams. Paper 2 was okay but had to rush on the novel part. Sejarah was like 'what the efff...' The questions were dead tricky. Even mr.sara said 38/40 questions are new questions. With that, hopefully the passing marks will be lowered. Now i would like to show some pictures that i took.

Yes..this are images of this year's SPM Bahasa Melayu paper 1.

Now, not that i'm against the government or the education ministry, but why on earth you have to waste money to print it in colour?? Got too much left over change from collection of tax is it ?? Not say coloured pictures give extra motivation also..might as well spend money on making more high tech toilets.

I tell you..if you start making more of this and place it all over Malaysia's popular tourist attraction, i guarantee more tourist will come to Malaysia.
Just follow this simple equation:

Day 2
It was English paper 1 and 2 and the most feared paper of the whole week..SEJARAH KERTAS 2. Have nothing to comment about english..just did it like normal..i even came out early once i've finish paper 2 to study sejarah. And thank god i studied those that were spotted by mr. Sara. Haha..for once he was right .'95% sure to come out one..', the phrase that was heard tonnes of times during sejarah class.
During sejarah, i think the whole school blackout. So all form 5 students were doing sejarah in the dark for 5 minutes, apart from those who were sitting near the hall door and windows. After the paper, John said this, 'you know why just know blackout ?? Cause britney spears came to our school !!' Best stress reliever after a stressful paper. HAHA !!

Day 3
Mathematics paper 1 and 2. Nothing much. Paper 1 was rather easy, but having said that..i found out that i got 4 mistakes already..-.- Paper 2 for me was messy. I did loads of mistakes while writing down the workings. This made me cancel the wrong stuff everywhere..

Something apart from SPM
On Monday, us 5 Edison'08 students got our class shirt.
Its a polo shirt. If the manufacturer can print a guy on the horse as the front badge and put a number by the sleeve, no one will know whether that is fake. LOL
front badge

And now something personal. Lately i have given up on getting an iphone since my sister wants to get it as well. It's a bit difficult to explain the just put that aside. After browsing through, i manage to find a phone that caught my eye..(pictures below courtesy of

Sony Ericsson Xperia X-1

Well that's about it.
Till next week for:
SPM Review week 2.

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